So, I realize not everyone feels the need to comment on everything. That's actually a good quality. I tend to not possess that quality and generally have something to say about everything. However, it would be greatly appreciated if you could leave some sort of comment - once in a while - just so I know that this is not just some high tech way to talk to myself. I am only sure that my husband reads my posts - and if any of you know him, you will know that I know this because he will poke fun of something I've said. It's his sick and twisted way of saying, "I love you." He is good to me, I shouldn't say such things, even if they are true.
Anyhow, if you are reading, let me know you are out there... I am funnier when I know someone is listening.
I ALWAYS read your posts!! Just didn't take the time to get a google account so I could comment. I check your blog everyday - makes me feel like we are not so far apart. Miss you, sisser!
well, mizb, this is my first blogcomment, so you've dragged me into something! I actually was catching up on all the things I don't know about you just last night. I was thinking that if you still were here, you just might want to join our writing group! It was a very nice way to end my day. There were lots of places to resonate and reflect, but I was particularly
focused on the commuting piece. I'm glad you have
that built into your new life. Are y'all trying to be in extra shots for Friday Night Lights? I'd love to see you show up! Later, M
oh, thank God, you two! I love that you both commented! Whew, I was beginning to feel lonely. It does make me feel closer to home when I hear from my loved ones.
if you catch Friday night lights look for us in the bedroom window of the two story house with the two trees in back - way in the background of the field. We are the family of four peering out the upstairs baseball bedroom window. probably freeks the neighbors out - now that I think about it.
SARAH! I've been on vacation... haven't checked much of anything... check it daily...
S, I check yours daily, love little M. Can't get enough. So grateful to you for introducing blogging to me ;-)
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