Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Reba gets a haircut

I have to post on yesterday's haircut if for no other reason than how cute Reba is. She knows it too, which can be problematic. We noticed the other day that she was beginning to look more raggedy than her usual mussed hair look. Upon closer examination I determined it was time for a cut. Truly when she has bed head all day we knew it was time. Jacob even took pictures for posterity of "Reba's Crazy Hair". See below...

So after several days of promising, stylist/mom got out the high chair and smock and Reba got a haircut. Thank goodness it looks good layered and a little mussed. It hides many mistakes that I make as I snippity snip away. Miraculously her haircuts typically turn out adorable - probably just because she is. But I think I do a pretty good job. And this is decidedly a better "do" even when she wakes up.

1 comment:

jenny k said...

What a cutie patutie!