Now that we have completed Kindergarten and my child is well into the world of reading we find him reading EVERYTHING. Add to this the fact that his teacher gave him the "Most Observant Award" for his known character traits of correcting someone (parents, teacher, little sister) when they misspeak, noting changes in his environment, and finding all lost things. Unfortunately for us he will observe even the things we hoped he wouldn't. For instance reading the signs at IKEA, "It's OK, you can bring it back," and "The tag tells it all," are fairly safe and innocent. Things get a little dicey when he is sitting at breakfast reading Daddy's coffee mug (a gift from my mother) that has the Davey Crockett quote, "You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas." Yes, we had an impromptu lesson on what is and isn't OK for kids to say. Sheesh.
The topper however was today in the bookstore when he read a book title at his eye level that started with the word Sex. I heard him attempting to sound it out and quickly looked around for what he was reading. Ultimately he looks up at me and says, "Hey that's funny, they spelled Six wrong! It's supposed to be an i not and e." Exhale...
Gotta love a reader :-)
I remember those days of reading anything and everything - remember ALL the street signs, Mom? Thank goodness he is still an innocent reader.
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