Monday, July 21, 2008

Family Fun in the Sun

With some significant help from my parents and grandma we made a week long trip to CA last week. It was just enough time to catch up with family, completely jam pack our schedule, remember all the reasons why we moved to TX (LA is LA after all) and allow all grandparents and aunts and uncles (regardless if they are actual aunts and uncles) to totally spoil the children.

We spent our first day hanging around the pool with the Queen. The second day we headed down to see Grandmama and Granddada. In our genius we took a vehicle that would fit all 7 of us (kids, Brian's parents, and his sister - visiting from CO). This was also part of our demise. The car broke down... in Corona.... on the freeway... not good. We managed to get 5 of us into Brian's aunt's car which was about an hour behind us and Brian and his dad rode back with the tow truck. While on the freeway, however, Jacob cracked me up. An accident on the other side of the freeway had caused quite a back up. Cars were lined up on the freeway for quite a while. Jacob asks me, "Mom, is this traffic?" Oh, my sweet child, yes, and as my father-in-law put it, reason #78 why we moved to TX.

Here are some pics from Grandmama's house. I brought her flowers for her birthday. I forgot to call her a couple of weeks ago on the actual day. Whoops. You should have seen Brian's face as it drained of all the color when he realized we didn't call. Busted. It was nice to see them, though.

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