Right, I know, I get on a roll then something happens - usually work, and I don't blog for a bit. Not that there haven't been blog-worthy things this week, just a lack of time and inspiration to write. I was waiting to be brilliant. My mother can relate to this.
So, for lack of brilliance and a bit of sleep here, are the blog worthy moments from this past week. First - are you sitting? My sister is moving to TX. More specifically she is moving to OUR HOUSE. I am serious. My little sister (not that I have an older one) has accepted a management/clinical position as a dietitian here in TX at one of the new hospitals. She will live with us until she has saved her down payment on a house (in her very accurate figurings this will be no more than 6 months but no less than 3). I couldn't be more thrilled. Brian couldn't be more thrilled. The kids are excited to have Aunt Jenny right here (though Reba sounded a little less thrilled at the idea of changing rooms for her). I don't think the complete impact of this on our lives has quite rooted in my brain. My sister is moving here. I wondered if our close family would ever be close in proximity again. And here we are!
My sister is moving here. It is still so surreal. To get things off to a bang Jenny stopped in for a visit two weekends in a row. Several trips to the airport later we have enjoyed having her here - getting just a taste of what it will be like to live with her. When you live far away from your sisters you forget how wonderful it is to have them near. We found a picture frame for our youngest sister while she was here that had this saying on it: Sister, the only one you can tell on in the morning and be giggling with by the afternoon. Too true.
Our next blog worthy moment was Tuesday just post our visit with Jenny when my Aunt Linda and Uncle Andy visited us. They were in San Antonio for a conference and decided they were close enough to pop up for an afternoon and evening with us. I had worked the night before and, not knowing exactly when to expect them, slept through my intended straightening up time. So we ended up inviting them in, unmade beds, unvacuumed floors, bed head and all. They didn't seem to mind. I guess they have seen us at worse. We spent the afternoon talking and showing them around our new hometown. My aunt - always concerned about us and always out of love -gave me the thumbs up on the home, the schools, and the neighborhood, the job. My uncle - always a little bit wistful about farm country and cowboy dreams - approved of the little bit of country we still enjoy up here. After a few hands of Old Maid with the kids, doting on them like only a great aunt and uncle can, a long drive around town, a Texas sized dinner out, and many conversations later we said, "See y'all later." And they left to go back to catch their flight the next day. I realized after they left how important it was to me that they visit us. "Looks like your doing alright here, Sarah T," will stick with me for a long time - a heart warming affirmation from people I love and admire. You know, I think we are doing alright. Look at that - living up to my potential - finally.
And through all of that, I had a full week at work and even managed to make it to yoga - more on yoga later. More on work later too, I guess - cause who wants to hear about poo-sasters and amputated fingers right now. Probably not you... And just for fun because I can't resist these pics the kids take of themselves here are some shots from last week:
It is surreal for me, too! The next month will fly by, I'm sure, and I'll be there in no time. I am so excited we will be close in proximity again (very close for a while). And who wouldn't want to live near those darling faces in the pictures you posted?? No aunt could resist. Is that a new marker tattoo Jacob is brandishing on his left arm?
holy cow. that's crazy... and awfully sweet of you guys...
I TOLD Randy that she should have gone to the 200 last November.
Now it looks like no SCORE for three of you for a while, eh?
As for the remaining Kidd-sister, she'll probably wanting to drive in one of the races after the black ice up north.
2000 not 200, obviously. This here thing ate the last zero.
No SCORE, sad... I was recently reflecting on this only to discover a off road course IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD!!! What luck! Granted I can't enjoy the lovely dirt in my teeth, dust everywhere, no place to pee, pure heaven of a SCORE race, but I can get into some really good trouble. First thing is first though, find a good mechanic. 'Cause we all know, I am liable to break something. Since it is Jenny moving here and not Molly I am less likely to have some help fixing the Jeep. I might convince Molly yet - it is all part of my grand scheme.
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