Literally. I went to bed with the full intent to sleep all night, but after sleeping all day after a night at the ER I was wide awake. Shoot. What can I do in the middle of the night? Most of my night time activities are limited to quiet things like blogging and uh... reading blogs. I caught up on all my favorite reads and, feeling very uninspired to write, revisited the dining room where I had left my sewing. I have 22 of one item that I cannot mention which I feel fairly brilliant about. 8 are now done leaving 14 cut out and waiting for me. I decided my sewing machine wasn't that loud and dove in to that project. 2 more down. Plus I finished a blanket I was working on for one of the kids' Christmas gifts. Check that one off.
Then I got tired of that, not tired, more like bored, and went back to the computer while I ate a peanut butter and honey sandwich because if I were working this would be about lunch time now (3am). While eating and trying not to drip honey on my keyboard I surfed into some NEW SEWING BLOGS! Eeeh Gad, I thought I had already seen the best ones! I am sew excited now! (Get it, sew - hah, I crack myself right up.) Anyhow I found this really cute and uber easy pattern I made one up right away. For those of you not clicking on the link it's another bag! Woohoo. I had recently got the bag bug out of me and I suddenly feel it coming on strong. This particular bag was a breeze to make a pattern for then to whip up. She gives the patchwork option. I totally would have done that if I were a little more motivated early this morning. Here's a pic of her bag. SOOOO CUTE. Mine is super cute too, but I am so not in the mood to tromp upstairs to download the pic. Call me lazy, whatever.

So, now it is about 8:30am. I am still up. Jacob is off to school. Brian is upstairs working. Reba and I are leaving in a few minutes for a play date at her new school that she doesn't know she is enrolled in yet. I will likely be up all day. All that craftiness this AM might lead to some burnout this afternoon. Oh well. The pitfalls of the night shift. If I didn't love it so much...
You're a chip off the ol' blockhead!
thanks dad. at least my crazy mad gift making started before December 24th. ;-)
wait, what do you mean? the up all night, the crazy sewing, the gift for written gab, or the huge project undertaking? i am nothing like my mother! i guess i am also assuming that you mean mom and not you. see the rambling just one sentence can create in my mind?
Oh, you're deffinitely a combination of the two of us! Guess I shoulda said "blockheads"
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