Saturday, August 1, 2009

How to stalk your favorite blogista

1. Believe if you met your favorite blogista you would most definitely be best friends.

2. Drive to blogista's current city of residence (aprox 14 hour drive) without alerting said blogista in advance.

3. Arrive anonymously at blogista's favorite coffee house and buy coffee.

4. Blatantly introduce yourself as a huge fan.

5. Suddenly realize how creepy your stalking has become and admit it out loud.

6. Proceeded with hour long conversation which confirms you and your favorite blogista were meant to be friends.

7. Meet up with blogista for Popsicles later in the week like your stalking her wasn't weird at all.
8. Buy souvenir mug and t-shirt from coffee house like a big huge nerd.

Thanks Annie from AnnieBlogs for not thinking I am a complete weirdo. Come see us in Austin and I promise to find you next time I am in Nashville and maybe even call ahead of time. I am grateful for the time we were able to spend together. I'll do seven minutes with you at the Popsicles place any day! Our pic is on Brian's camera so I will post that as soon as he gives it up.

1 comment:

AnnieBlogs said...

It was my pleasure.

I miss you guys already.

Brian totally manned-up and commented on my blog- I owe him an email. It's a comin'. :)

Hug those children from me.