T-ball season is here again. I can't believe how much my boy has grown. An insider told us that this year during skills assessment (aka tryouts), Jacob and his best buddy Jake ended up being in the top ten of each coach's picks. WooHoo, Boy! And, yes, I have become that Little League Mom, you know the one who screams like crazy and yells to(at) her kid to keep his eye on the ball. I embarrass myself. He has grown so much, though. He went from being a little kid to the best kid on the team!
To honor this special pro-t-baller I fixed his pants for the season. He wanted knickers like the real baseball players. Since last year's pants' elastic had gone out around one ankle and really had seen better days we decided to cut them off and re-purpose them into these high fashion knickers. Does he not look totally pro? He debuted them for his first game - playing first base he made the key 3 outs and helped them win the game! I am sure it was the knickers and not his natural gift of athleticism (that he totally did not get from me) that allowed him to make the plays.
He is a total pro and the knickers add to the image. =) Can't wait for the next game! I love to cheer at T-ball.
Looking good!!
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