Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I wanted a deck...

Whenever my father in law comes to town we know that there needs to be a project for him to do. Each time he has come some significant home improvement takes place. The first time we got a planter in the back yard and our shed was properly placed. I think this is the same trip that Brian got a work bench in the garage. At Thanksgiving we got a brick lined planter in the front that dramatically improved the look of the front of our house. This past Spring we added major storage space by the FIL making dead space under the stairs accessible through a door in our closet. At the end of each trip he starts thinking about what we might like done the following trip. In the Spring he asked and I somewhat jokingly in my wildest dreams way said, "A deck!" Well, I said it... And he built it.

For the last many months the FIL has been on the phone with the local hardware/lumber people, on the computer drawing plans, and masterminding how to build the perfect deck. By the time he got here the thing had been built in his head a thousand times. The only thing he didn't account for was how outrageously hot it would be here in TX in August. They worked in the morning and in the late evening and after three days I had a complete deck. Thanks, Jim (and Brian since you did build it too) I love my deck! Now about next trip...


Kathi D said...

I used to save my mending for my mother's visits, since she was unable to sit still and do nothing.

The ADD gene ran from Grandpa to Mom to me. Antsy!!

Anonymous said...

It looks great. When do I get one?