Friday, March 21, 2008

Easter Eggs

Okay, fine. I get it, keep writing, you will comment when you feel like it. At least three people responded, and well, two of them I had on my least likely to respond list in my head. So, here we go again...

I decided this year to avoid plastic Easter eggs. At least, I won't be getting them for the kids (Mom and Barb if you sent plastic eggs....). I find them year round popping up in strange places. I also find the strangest things stored inside of them - dollhouse objects, coins, hair things, and basically anything you can think of that would fit inside one of those darn eggs. Plus, have you ever stepped on one? Ouch!! This year I picked some festive colors out of my fabric scrap heap (that Brian would have me get rid of!) and made some eggs. I am not done yet! But here is what I have so far. I used a template from The Purl Bee after trying a couple of others that Reba did not approve of. One, she told me, was definitely not oval enough. Leave it to a 4 year old to know what an Easter egg should look like.


Queen Ree said...

So which 2 did you not think would respond? And don't open the boxes that are coming today if you don't like plastic Easter eggs. And, by the way, I almost sent one I found in the Mammoth Towel duffle bags. What a fun surprise! Too bad you didn't find it. And as for stepping on those things - how about those bristle blocks!?!

Anonymous said...

love the fabric eggs sar. i'll have to employ you to make me some for next year's decorations.