Tuesday, February 26, 2008

There ith thomthing mithing...

FINALLY Jacob's first loothe tooth hath fallen (been pulled) out! He is tho exthited!

I can't believe that my baby is old enough to have a gaping hole in his mouth where his tiny little tooth had been. Oh, my world is spinning - next thing you know he will have a girlfriend, be going off to college, be starting his first job, have a family of his own... Eesh, I am getting ahead of myself.

I so rarely find myself getting sentimental about the growing up of my children. I am usually so grateful for the changes that they show as they move out of one stage of their lives and into another. Even when Jacob went to Kindergarten for his first day I didn't shed a tear. But here we are, first lost tooth, and I am hearing my dad's voice doing his retainer routine slurping and lisping and I am amused by my own version of this now. I am creeping up the thairs laughing at mythelf with a little pain in my chetht as I do my obligatory tooth fairy duties. Big sigh... My baby ith growing up.


Queen Ree said...

How cool! A toothless wonder. Be sure to teach him how to spit a stream of water through the hole ! :-) Wish I was there to help.

Sarah M said...

Only you, mom...

jenny k said...

Is that the same tooth that was a little loose at Christmas?!?! And who gave the final yank? Jacob must be thrilled with his new look. :)