What is it about reunions? Who are we trying to impress anyway? So, while I was back in CA for Christmas my 10 year High School reunion was to take place. At first I was insistent that Brian come with me - later when I came to my senses about the true meaning of this event I backed off and let him do something far less anxiety producing for him. What is the true meaning of the reunion, you ask? I shall tell you my perspective...
I would say about half of us showed up with the intention of impressing. Duh, we all want people to think we have done something with our lives. I think it is particularly true of my high school class since we went to a private college prep school with some pretty success driven people. Not that I think being successful is bad, I was just amused by the titles and the education amassed by my classmates. Most of these people we knew would go far anyway - you know, the Dean's List type. I saw Psychologists, Lawyers, several MDs, business people, a few moms, fewer dads, and plenty of PhDs. Impressive. The success I was more impressed by was my friend Monique who was always smart but struggled academically. She has her masters and works as a Nurse Practitioner - what's more impressive is that I never heard her once throw her title out as part of her "look at me now" conversation. I am so proud of her.
Many of us wanted to compare ourselves to those we graduated with regarding everything from marital status and job status, to waist line and hair line. No one shocked me. Everyone that came pretty much looked the same. That was comforting in a way. Somehow time has passed and we hadn't aged... mostly. I did dye my gray out for the occasion.
The rest of us were just truly curious about our old friends. What are you doing, where do you live, what do your kids look like if you have them? Oh, I brought pictures of my kids alright. Reba and Jacob making cookies that look like little poops. Somehow no one was shocked that my children would make cookies that looked like poop. I did get many compliments on their beauty, however - the kids not the cookies...
In the end I talked to sooo many people. I was so happy I went and I got paid a huge compliment - not about my looks, although I did hear that I was looking good - but about my character. More than one person commented on the fact that I was such a genuine person in high school and now that people truly wanted to know how and what I was doing. For the first time in "high school" I felt popular - and it didn't even matter now.
Incidentally I was also applauded for being the best wife ever by someone other than my husband for not making him come to this. But, I already knew that.
Hey there -- your cousin Jessica put me in touch with your blog -- and finally took time to see how you are doing --- was so great to see the pic of you and Monique -- how is she doing????? linda
LINDA?!?! How wonderful to hear from you!!!! I have been thinking of you guys recently - I miss all of you Togs. She is great, a Geriatric Nurse Practitioner and she loves it. Welcome to the blog, I am honored you read. I love to hear from people. Makes me feel connected still. So wonderful to hear from you. Keep me posted on the Tog clan. My email is sarah@lantoga.net.
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