Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Celebrating the Season

The busy schedule and the crisp air indicate that it is that time of year again. This year is a little different for us since we are in TX. This year we have to not only juggle decorating, children's schedules, and creating gifts for the masses in our families, we also have to TRAVEL to get there. We are only in CA for a week so more master scheduling is in order. Amidst all the chaos we have found moments for the simple pleasures like decorating the tree...

Please note the multiple ornaments on the low branches. I left it this way to remind me that nothing is perfect - much like how our tree looks - but everything is done with love - just how the children decorated.

He was too excited to stand still.

Look at these faces...

We also attended (and performed) in the annual church Christmas Pageant. I had a singing Shepherd and Cow! A mother's pride. This pageant has reminded the kids that Jesus' birthday is coming. They have rarely even mentioned Santa (save for the concern about how he's going to find us in CA - we are leaving a note on our door - coming down the chimney still freaks them out).

My little shepherd is in the last shepherd on his row - singing his little heart out. You'd never know he had a full blown panic attack at the dress rehersal and refused to do the pageant. He was as happy and confident as ever up there.

My cow is the one in the middle facing the wrong direction distracted by what all the children behind her are doing. She's probably also looking for her brother. Who knows, poor thing, she's so my kid...
Many projects are underway here, but I can't show you ANY OF THEM! They are ALL Christmas presents and most of you are on my gift giving list. This year I am particularly brilliant. Plus I will take pictures before I give it all away, so I will have something to post on later.

Merry Christmas!

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