Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I got off work a bit early this morning - a nice charge nurse, few patients at 6 am (a rarity these days), and a blatant request to go home and I was on my way. I love getting home to see my cherubs off to school. Jacob asks me every night to try and be home before he leaves for school. This morning in particular I was pleased to be home early. Just as I was rounding the corner for home I noticed this unbelievable sunrise. Glory.

I ran out our back door and took some quick shots. You can see the water tower in the background and the greenbelt in the foreground. I took a moment...

An update on yesterday's post: here is the Scottie dog I made yesterday. Brian just enlarged the pattern for me to make him more than 5 inches tall. I found the pattern here: http://http//

Brian added seam allowances of 1/4 inch to mine. Perhaps I will figure out how to post that.


jenny k said...

These are interesting little guys. Whatever will you do with them? Cute. Zebra Scottie is hoot. He's almost as big as Little!

Creative Mama said...

beautiful... sunset and lovely creations... Sarah... I miss you!