Monday, October 8, 2007

A Visit from Grandma

Grandma is here!! Thank goodness. I don't know who is happier, the kids or us. Grandma plays endless games of UNO, bakes whatever you fancy (and lets you measure the flour), listens to every story, makes you wash your hands every time you touch your nose, gives in when mommy and daddy won't, pays for rides at the fair, and has races to see who can finish their burrito first. Time with Grandma is less frequent now that we moved away, but that much more sweet when we see her.

There is something special about grandmas. I remember fondly my days with my own grandmas. Grandma Luce would let us type on REAL typewriters and then read our nonsense as though we had created fine pieces of literature. She would let us mix crazy concoctions in her kitchen. We could paint, garden, or create anything we fancied. Grandma's house was special. It was the only place I ever ate Doritos, Oreos, or Orange Soda. Grandma Bette taught us the finer arts. We painted porcelain, sculpted statuettes and talked for hours. She showed up at soccer games with her lawn chair and sun umbrella. Grandma kept pound cake and fruit punch on hand for any surprise visit. Both of my grandmothers taught me what it was to be strong and be a woman. I loved them for their talents and gifts, their unconditional love, their high heels, and their jewelry.

I know my kids love their grandmas. This time with Grandma "Bob" this weekend was special. They need a little spoiling now and again...


Creative Mama said...

what a wonderful kitchen! and your kiddos... are getting sooooooo ooo big...

"grandma" Mary said...

So much fun to "visit" on your blog! Love the pics of your two angels and the accounts of your two furry friends, many that I can relate to with Tahoe. My roadtrip this month is taking us in a different direction, so unfortunately I won't be coming for a visit right now. Hopefully after the first of the year I will get to Texas for that visit.

I'm sure that I will see you over the holidays.... look forward to that. Can you believe how fast this year has gone by?

You all take care. Until I see you..... Love, "grandma" Mary

Sarah M said...

Mary!, Thanks for reading! How good to hear from you. Can't wait to have you visit, even if we won't see you this time. Love you! We will definately see you at Christmas.