Recently I completed a two day craze of piecing together a very simple quilt top, basting it all together, then stitching in the ditch to quilt it with my trusty old brother (totally not built or intended for quilting). I completed everything until the very final step which was to bind the edges with quilters binding tape - which is not currently in my arsenal of supplies. I then laid the project aside for a couple of weeks unfinished (to be pictured when complete). This is pattern that is well developed in me. Only recently have I discovered something about myself - I do have finishability. It takes me probably just a weensy bit (tons) more will-power than most to actually finish something, but I CAN get it done. Which leads me to my activities today...
I took a pilgrimage to Joann's Fabric Store for said binding tape. I call it a pilgrimage not because it's very far away, I just spend so much time there, Brian calls it my "Holy Land." I can't really disagree. The Joann's here is particularly awesome as it is an uber mega Joann's (smaller mom and pop sewing shops still have an edge but this is a spectacular sight). I have never seen more crafting, sewing, knitting, crocheting, scrap booking, framing, decorating options ever in one place before. I am nearly always befuddled by the choices - that's probably why I always take forever there. Anyhow, I went for binding tape...
While I was there I remembered Halloween is like next week and the kids costumes have not been made! We quickly (read: two hours later) located teal fabric for Reba's doctor scrubs and some fantastic remnant corduroy for Jacob's cowboy vest. I have never made either scrubs or a vest. I figured neither could be too hard. I looked at a pattern for scrubs that was something like $14 and I decided I could come up with something on my own and save a buck or 14. We shall see about the scrubs...
I did however, make a terrific rendition of a little cowboy vest (see above). Brian, in one of the rare moments he isn't kidding with me, expressed complete and utter amazement at my craftiness. It is even finished! Well, almost, a little unseen hand stitching to baste down the lining at the shoulders and it should be finished. Problem is I can't locate any of my few hand sewing needles. I might even need to (gasp!) go back to Joann's.
Who wouldn't love Joann's? All this talk makes me what to take a trek down to the one here. I think I even have some remnants of a giftcard. Can't wait to see these kids in their costumes (which look great, by the way) - well, a picture of them anyway. I knew you'd come through with the homemade costumes - just like Mom always did. =)
i definately felt like mom making these. how do you have a joann's gift card?
mom gave it to me last Christmas. =) what a deal, what a deal.
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