When I was a kid BFF was a favorite way to sign notes to friends. While we never used it in conversation it was like the secret seal for any correspondence with your best pal. Best Friends Forever. What a cliche, or was it?
My BFF pretty much from pre-K on was Kate. Kate was a good foot shorter than me (or it seemed that way) and if I was a hefty kid she was the exact opposite. We were a pair. We played together everyday of elementary school, often as our teacher mothers were finishing up at school we could be found playing on campus together. When it was time to go home we went to my house or hers. When we were in 4th grade we planned to be vets together and live in a duplex that we would share - her family on one side and mine on the other. We remained best friends as we went to different middle and high schools and then off to different colleges. Over the years and many life changes we are still BFF.
The thing about BFFs is that you remain friends even when you don't physically see each other for long periods of time. Kate still lives in CA and we are both very busy given that we both ended up being nurses (not vets). I saw her last week when we were in CA just before we left to go home. It had been too long, but we always pick up like no time has passed. The morning was spent enjoying each other's company as well as our now extended friendship with Brian and the kids as well as Nick, her boyfriend (who we love - the only man I have met that is good enough for my BFF). As I was looking at the pics from this little visit I realized that in my almost 30 years Kate has been my friend for most of that. For at least 25 years she has been one of my best friends and the odds are this friendship really will last forever.