Monday, October 29, 2007

Parent of the Year...

I might win Parent of the Year Award*. I, an emergency room nurse, have now ignored, denied, and ultimately dismissed both of my children actually being ill. I kept telling them, oh you're not really sick. I truly told Reba to quit fake coughing. Jacob had pneumonia from allergies I ignored until he broke out in freaky hives I couldn't deny. Reba has an upper respiratory infection complete with eye and ear infections - now on antibiotics because I finally gave in and took her to see Dr. Joe. See, I win.

Currently Reba is upstairs hacking up a lung and Jacob is coming down off the albuterol buzz from his night time breathing treatment. -

-I just sealed the deal for the title - Reba just coughed so hard she threw up. I stripped her sheets and put her back to bed. Her hair smells like vomit and our humidifier doesn't work. (I did make her brush her teeth - I hate that taste.) I didn't even put jammies back on her.

Ultimately I did seek treatment for both children, but clearly they were not O.K. My only consolation is that a friend who is a practicing Hematologist/Oncologist let her 11 month old get a double ear infection so badly that pus was coming out of her eyes. Baby's O.K., no harm done, but it must be a professional hazard - ignore your own child's illness until they literally have pus coming out of their eyes. I overheard on my way out of the office, Dr. Joe on the phone with the Parent of the Year* Nominations Board, "No that's Sarah with and "H" - great I'm doomed.
I also told Brian he wasn't sick. He's seeing the doctor tomorrow morning.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Stalking the Neighbors

Transitions are hard, no question about it. For us it has been new schools, new jobs, new church, new friends, new neighbors.. Both children took to almost everything immediately with the exception of new neighbors. I guess it doesn't help here that all neighbors stay indoors or at the pool all summer long (here in Austin people come outside in the fall when the weather reaches sane). Also our neighbor to the West of us disappeared for three months this Summer and the neighbor to the East of us is more of a recluse (he recently moved out - we have our fingers crossed). My children, accustomed to having bedtime stories read to them by the neighbors between their bedroom window and the neighbor's kitchen window, are suffering from withdrawal.

Then the heavens opened up and just up the street appeared the NEW NEIGHBORS! Hallelujah! We are saved! This family is the epitome of Texas (these are the folks whose dishes I bought). The parents were both raised in the country and their three year old has a love affair with his cowboy boots. This family loves to be outdoors and we frequently meet up with them outside and let the children play. Brian is already planning his first hunting trip with his new found friend.

Our desperation for new friends suddenly became acutely apparent when we discovered Jacob staring out the window waiting for the neighbors to surface. At first sight of the 3 year old, boot wearing, bike riding boy Jacob exclaims, "Can I go out and PLAY?!?" I am eager to say, yes, but I also wonder if we are the weird neighbors that come by and over-stay their welcome - you know the ones...

Hopefully they are just as relieved to have us for neighbors. We have been blessed over the years with amazing people living close to us: Sarah and Tim, Sal and Patty, Doug and Toni, Olivia and Darell just to name some of our favorites. We have had great examples to learn from. It is our hope that we can be just as good neighbors to our Texas friends as ours have been to us and that we form those friendships that have so endeared our past neighbors to us. I have already rescued New Neighbor Mom from an embarrassing swimming pool blooper this summer where she put her 3-year-old's inner tube on and couldn't get it off (she's pregnant). That must count for something. In the meantime, I think we should probably find Jacob a better pastime than stalking the neighbors.

Saturday, October 27, 2007


Just a pretty sunset... Looking through some old picutres - Carpenteria, November 2006.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Nothing Wasted

After a 6 month craze (read compulsion) of making bags this last year I ended up with quite a few leftover tidbits of fun fabric. In a stroke of genius and a bit of nostalgia I decided to square off my scraps and piece them together for an easy fun quilt. I had never made a honest to goodness quilt that wasn't a rag quilt style. I secretly felt like I was cheating with the rag quilts. The result was something simply fabulous.

I love this quilt. It doesn't have a pattern other than each square was cut to 7 inches, I did blocks of four with coordinating colors, and colors start from left top to right bottom in a rainbow-ish color scheme. The back is white flannel I bought for nothing in particular with a red stripe down the middle for interest. It took me only a few sittings of several hours (with one little boy sitting next to me, eyes wide in amazement as the big picture took shape). In the end it was well worth the little time invested (and the incessant questions of whether or not said little boy could have this one).

This project just hot off the old Brother machine and I am eager to tackle something more. The next project will be more complex and probably have a pattern. More importantly I will know next time to use the safety pins for basting the layers together before quilting, to pre-wash everything, and that sewing machine needles are different for a reason. I might even go shopping at Goodwill for some good fabrics (an idea I got from another blogger/recycling enthusiast). A more pressing issue is the need for a bigger and better sewing machine.

After using all the scraps from my purse craze I got a little tiny urge - to make another purse... so I did.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

On the Verge

Do you ever feel like you are just on the verge of something incredible? I have had this feeling for the last - well, few months. In the months leading up to now I have experienced incredible blessing. We bought a house, we moved to a new state with a feeling of abundance, my husband and I both got great jobs, found an amazing new church with great friends, and my kids are doing exceedingly well in their new schools. Yet, despite all that we have recently received - I feel like something big is waiting for us. Maybe in the greater sense...

I know with a deep sense of knowing that I am meant for something more. I feel God has put it on my heart that I will be able to affect in a positive way MANY lives. I am only unsettled by the fact that it hasn't been revealed to me how.

I guess I will know in time. For now I will go to work at the ER, come home to my family, and create wonderful things with my hands and my undaunted imagination. What a life!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Scary smart wants to be a doctor...

A set of scrubs I just whipped up. Not as polished looking as the vest for Jacob, but cute...
...for Halloween. We feel it is only appropriate that our scary smart 3 year old wants to be a doctor for Halloween. She's been telling us that she either wants to be a teacher or a doctor when she grows up. We figure either she'll be broke when she grows up or we will. Whichever it may be one thing we are certain of, this kid is scary smart. But don't take my word for it.

Reba is her teachers' absolute favorite. They aren't allowed to have favorites so they spell f-a-v-o-r-i-t-e. A lot of good that does, this kid is learning to spell! Jacob, as any other normal Kindergartner, is learning his phonetics and how to spell (don't get me wrong, my son is brilliant as well). Reba is taking his flash cards when he's not using them and spelling the words with the magnets on the fridge. Seriously.

She also talks non stop, a trait I'm afraid she inherited from me. Besides the "r"s being a little mispronounced (she sounds like she's from Boston) you would think you are talking to an elementary aged child. She also sings - but not just normal kid songs, she makes up words to tunes she knows. Usually she's pretty good, too.

Her Sunday School teacher, Mr. Willy, raves about her. He says she's getting abstract ideas like unconditional love and where Jesus is. I guess her theology is good, but what kills me is when we are sitting in church and the Pastor is doing the prayers for the people - Reba is responding with "Lord, hear our prayer." It melts a Mom's heart...

We are really in for it. She is just smart enough to get in some really fantastic trouble. For now, I will humor her with some doctor scrubs for her Halloween costume, but who knows what's next?

Everything Texas

Check these out! Texas themed dishes! What a find. We were just joking with a neighbor and long time Texan how you can buy anything with a Texas theme to it i.e. cookie cutters, coolers, any kind of apparel, home decor, car paint jobs, grill tools, and well, anything you can think of really. Then we noticed she was selling Texas dishes at her yard sale! Jackpot! We didn't have Texas DISHES yet. Whew, now we are on our way to being true Texans. I think the next logical decision would be to purchase one of those nifty Styrofoam coolers with the state shape and flag on it. Classy.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A Joann's Adventure

Recently I completed a two day craze of piecing together a very simple quilt top, basting it all together, then stitching in the ditch to quilt it with my trusty old brother (totally not built or intended for quilting). I completed everything until the very final step which was to bind the edges with quilters binding tape - which is not currently in my arsenal of supplies. I then laid the project aside for a couple of weeks unfinished (to be pictured when complete). This is pattern that is well developed in me. Only recently have I discovered something about myself - I do have finishability. It takes me probably just a weensy bit (tons) more will-power than most to actually finish something, but I CAN get it done. Which leads me to my activities today...

I took a pilgrimage to Joann's Fabric Store for said binding tape. I call it a pilgrimage not because it's very far away, I just spend so much time there, Brian calls it my "Holy Land." I can't really disagree. The Joann's here is particularly awesome as it is an uber mega Joann's (smaller mom and pop sewing shops still have an edge but this is a spectacular sight). I have never seen more crafting, sewing, knitting, crocheting, scrap booking, framing, decorating options ever in one place before. I am nearly always befuddled by the choices - that's probably why I always take forever there. Anyhow, I went for binding tape...

While I was there I remembered Halloween is like next week and the kids costumes have not been made! We quickly (read: two hours later) located teal fabric for Reba's doctor scrubs and some fantastic remnant corduroy for Jacob's cowboy vest. I have never made either scrubs or a vest. I figured neither could be too hard. I looked at a pattern for scrubs that was something like $14 and I decided I could come up with something on my own and save a buck or 14. We shall see about the scrubs...

I did however, make a terrific rendition of a little cowboy vest (see above). Brian, in one of the rare moments he isn't kidding with me, expressed complete and utter amazement at my craftiness. It is even finished! Well, almost, a little unseen hand stitching to baste down the lining at the shoulders and it should be finished. Problem is I can't locate any of my few hand sewing needles. I might even need to (gasp!) go back to Joann's.

Is anyone out there?

This is Reba and I riding the kiddie train (read: too small for adults) at the local fall festival in our small town.

So, I realize not everyone feels the need to comment on everything. That's actually a good quality. I tend to not possess that quality and generally have something to say about everything. However, it would be greatly appreciated if you could leave some sort of comment - once in a while - just so I know that this is not just some high tech way to talk to myself. I am only sure that my husband reads my posts - and if any of you know him, you will know that I know this because he will poke fun of something I've said. It's his sick and twisted way of saying, "I love you." He is good to me, I shouldn't say such things, even if they are true.

Anyhow, if you are reading, let me know you are out there... I am funnier when I know someone is listening.

Monday, October 22, 2007


A couple months back (when the weather was still ridiculously hot) my sister Jenny was out visiting for a week. One of the highlight activities of her trip here was a jammin' session with our good friend, Shawn. The fruits of our labor yielded tons of jam, and I found yet another new hobby! Jenny and I found plenty of jam puns while we worked (which I have completely forgotten now) and managed to spend the whole afternoon with Shawn talking girl talk.

We look like a Williams Sonoma ad here, because, well, we are that good. Probably the fact we had those nifty green aprons on and we are standing in Shawn's to die for kitchen didn't hurt either. We got back to some real cooking and honest to goodness wholesomeness. My farm dwelling great grandmother would have been proud (even more proud when I made the buttermilk biscuits the next day to go with it). She probably didn't have a kitchen quite so well equipped in her day.

I got ambitious and stocked up on organic raspberries in the freezer. Now all I need is the water bath, the jars, the pectin, the rack and the special holder thing. But other than that, I am set. I am ready to jam. Jenny would say that it's more like I am in a jam. I have flagged the Ball website for my husband... We shall see.

The Growing Pains Remedy

This is obviously my cousin and not me with my kids - see how smiley they all are?

It never fails. You are dog tired from a long day of t-ball and your oldest child wakes you by wailing about his leg hurting while simultaneously climbing into your bed. Great... You wake, throw off your covers (hopefully forcefully enough so your snoozing spouse is aware of how huge an inconvenience this is for you), and you stumble out of bed. The growing pains remedy...

First, you search for the Tylenol in the dark because turning on lights would wake you up too much and probably wake up the younger child, too. Tylenol found you struggle to remember in your sleepy fog, "is this the kid who gets 2 teaspoons or 1" -it's an important differentiation. Then you give him a glass of water because - I don't know, it just helps...

Back upstairs you are padding around the foot of your other child's bed for the heat pack you made just for these crisis. This heat pack is a little pocket of fabric that you filled with dry white rice. A few seconds in the microwave and you are on your way to a sleeping child. First you must convince said child that heat packs really do work (just like they have the last 9 times you made him feel better). Heat pack finally on, your child finally silent, you quietly creep back downstairs to slip quietly back into bed (but not so quietly, you still want your spouse to know that you have just taken care of things and he owes you a great debt of gratitude). Sleep is yours at last.

Then you wake up to discover your other child has pink-eye!

Friday, October 19, 2007

My Commute

Living in LA I logged plenty of hours on the freeway. Then I was one of the lucky few who commuted against traffic. My poor husband was driving with traffic taking an hour plus to go what should have taken 30 minutes. It's enough to make a sane person crazy.

I now commute about 30 minutes to work, but by the time I get there I am smiling ear to ear. I find my commute to work soothing and peaceful. On my way I see horses and longhorns, creeks and fields, and I smell cedar in the breeze. I drive with the top off the Jeep Wrangler and instead of feeling the grit of LA on my face when I get to work, I feel refreshed and wind kissed.
What a difference a drive makes.

Incidentally, here in Texas every Jeep driver does the Jeep wave. Once I even got a salute!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A great design idea

So, in the process of decorating the new house we have discovered great ways to be cheap and get the effect we were looking for. My husband, who ponders problems over in his head until all edges are rounded off, thought up this latest one. We love having pictures of the kids and have a great entry hall for displaying them. We both love the uniformity of having all pictures in the same frame and we were looking for a timeless way to create this display. What he came up with surpassed both our expectations.

Simple wire curtain rods from IKEA with clips grasping each 8x10 mounted on black foam core for structure and look gave us this amazing look. It was cheap, frameless, and dramatic. We chose out of the thousands of pictures we have of the kids to date. We laughed and cried over how they have changed and the baby years truly gone now. We also realized what fantastic photographers we are! A plus side is that we can display snap shots and change them out or add more as they grow. Our next dilemma is how to better light this area since we have such an amazing display now.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

On My Soap Box

Kids' health... in my opinion there is no other more serious domestic issue. I think the face of our country and the next generation will be most impacted by the health of American children. I will admit that I don't follow politics, I rarely watch the news if ever, and I hardly ever weigh in on something that I don't know much about. But I spent one year as a school nurse in a fairly economically sound area of Los Angeles County (as LA goes - that's not saying much) and I am currently an ER nurse in a suburb of Austin, TX, and somehow I feel that qualifies me to speak on the issue of children's health.

I can't tell you how many kids I see any given night (I work nights - so that's what I can speak on) who are uninsured or if they are insured typically by a government run program. Many children are arriving right now with upper respiratory illness, stomach aches, rashes, earaches and other generally simple medical problems. My frustration is that usually these are not reasons to take your child to the emergency room. Most of these kids, if they were properly seeing a pediatrician, would not be so sick if they had earlier care. Frequently we see the same children on a regular basis because their family uses the ER as their primary care doctor and we are in the suburbs.

As a school nurse, I generally knew when kids were ill whether they had been sent to my office because the teacher had noticed they were under the weather or the parents called our office to let us know their child wouldn't be in (our health offices in this district also frequently handled attendance). Many times we required a note from a doctor to come back to school especially after an extended illness. We also managed our chronic illnesses or issues which requred medication such as asthma, diabetes, ADD/ADHD, and seizure disorders. Many times we had kids in my office with an asthma attack and no inhaler, diabetics with no education or follow up plans - seeing the local free clinic, or children who seemed to always be sick but NEVER saw a doctor (usually for lack of parent education, insurance or resources). It became more and more frustrating.

My proposed solution to medical care for children in the United States is to offer a school based clinic run by Nurse Practitioners and over seen by an off site MD. The children are already at school. When they are sick they already come through the health office. When immunizations are due the nurse is already doing more work chasing the parents down than it would be to just immunize the child. If they have a chronic illness such as diabetes we already see them in the health office to check sugars and give insulin (often more than once a day). We are already looking in throats and ears and what we usually tell parents is, "take your kids to the doctor." This is all well and good for the insured child or the kids with parents who actually have a clue, but the reality is there are plenty who don't. It wouldn't solve major catastrophic issues like major broken bones or other accidents, but it could make a huge impact in getting a grip on health care for kids.

I haven't written any formal proposals and haven't conjured up all the details but I think this is a great idea. I also can't take complete credit for this idea - it is a dream of my former boss to have a school based clinic in her school district. She is currently working on her advanced practise nursing degree to do just that. In this country it is a law that every child be offered an education. Great! Terrific! We already have that set up (better in some places than others). Why not use a system that is already in place, already sees our children on a daily basis, and is most apt to know already when kids are sick and healthy? Don't spend money on developing a new system full of administration fees and other such nonsense when you could be hiring a Nurse Practitioner for every school district (at a minimum).

I think the best way to start is small and local to prove that this plan could work. I don't live in CA anymore but LA county seems like a great place to start. Wonder if the governator would extend a grant for a pilot program? I don't even know who my TX governor is - maybe I should start with my school district...

The school nurse motto is, "Healthy kids learn better." Duh... Let's change America for the better - how about producing a whole generation of smarter kids.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Grandma Mary's Quilt

Here is one of the quilts I made for Christmas. Grandma Mary, my Dad's step-mom whom I adore, sent me a picture of the quilt I made her in my obsessive quilt making phase. I loved this design, a rag quilt, like the first one, but with a little different twist and a decidedly Americana theme (just like Grandma Mary).

All the fabrics where thicker cotton or flannel, both great for making rag quilts. I felt particularly brilliant when I discovered that I could buy good quality solid color sheet sets at the discount stores for WAY less than I could get the same stuff at the fabric store. I found some super cute sheets to cut up. My husband however, put a moratorium on my sheet buying. He has admitted recently though that certain sheets I bought during my frenzy have come in handy with other projects or bedding requirements. Needless to say some of our beds have only a bottom sheet... But we have really cute quilts for the top!

This quilt was made after my operations got much more sophisticated. By this time I had the rotary cutter and straight edge. I did have to take my sewing machine in to be serviced after the first rag quilt was done. I am sure I hadn't had it serviced since the early 90s. The Sew N Vac guy was appalled at the fuzz I had in my machine. Imagine his surprise after 10 more quilts at Christmas time when I had to bring my machine back in to be cleaned again. It was making a groaning sound like, "please I can't do it anymore". He wanted to know what I was mass producing. I told him just a few gifts...

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The Quilt that Started the Obsession

  • My sewing machine is circa 1980 something and most of what I knew about sewing came from making Halloween Costumes and Prom Dresses with my mom. Anything else I sewed came from my imagination and from my recollection probably should have stayed there. With the exception of several Christmas gift projects over the years, I hadn't sewn for a long time. Then came along a brilliant idea...
  • My college roommate and one of my very best friends in the world was getting married and moving to a farm in NY. I was her matron of honor and so along with the other girls we would be throwing the shower. I included in the invitations a request to send an 8x8 square to me (in CA) so that I might piece together a housewarming quilt. Brilliant, right? Except I had never done a project of this size before...
  • The women at church had been making these adorable "rag quilts" for Ronald McDonald House families and had reported how easy these are to make. So, I enlisted the help of my friend and head quilt maker to show me the ropes. One evening with her to straighten out all the ideas in my head and I was well on my way.
  • I did, in fact, get many responses, as you can see, to my request. I can't even remember now how many squares I received. It was insane. People sent everything from simple vegetable prints, lipstick and purses prints, fall leaves prints, to a piece of her old high school track sweats. Each sent a little note along with it about why they chose that fabric. These got passed onto my friend. I used black and white prints for the back and varied them to look just as random as the front. The border was fabric from curtains that used to hang in my children's nursery. The rag style was perfect for this project as it allowed for randomness and easily covered any mistakes. The finished product was so satisfying it gave me the bug to sew again...
  • Over the next year I would make 10 more of these rag quilts as well as 30+ tote bags, 2 more traditional quilts, clothes for both me and my daughter, oodles of pajamas for kids, and the Lord only knows what I am forgetting. I am still using my 1980's circa machine but my husband bought me a walking foot for it and I have updated my tools to include a rotary cutter, mat and straight edge, as well as a new sewing basket (a gift from a friend in CA), and drawers full of fabric that just might be used in my next project.
  • I will include pictures of things as I complete them. I wish I had thought to snap a few of projects I have already done, but this pic seems to be the only one. Of course I didn't keep any of my projects and have given everything away. Perhaps this is why my obsession has continued on. I find finishing something so satisfying, but more satisfying than that is giving these things away.

Monday, October 8, 2007

A Visit from Grandma

Grandma is here!! Thank goodness. I don't know who is happier, the kids or us. Grandma plays endless games of UNO, bakes whatever you fancy (and lets you measure the flour), listens to every story, makes you wash your hands every time you touch your nose, gives in when mommy and daddy won't, pays for rides at the fair, and has races to see who can finish their burrito first. Time with Grandma is less frequent now that we moved away, but that much more sweet when we see her.

There is something special about grandmas. I remember fondly my days with my own grandmas. Grandma Luce would let us type on REAL typewriters and then read our nonsense as though we had created fine pieces of literature. She would let us mix crazy concoctions in her kitchen. We could paint, garden, or create anything we fancied. Grandma's house was special. It was the only place I ever ate Doritos, Oreos, or Orange Soda. Grandma Bette taught us the finer arts. We painted porcelain, sculpted statuettes and talked for hours. She showed up at soccer games with her lawn chair and sun umbrella. Grandma kept pound cake and fruit punch on hand for any surprise visit. Both of my grandmothers taught me what it was to be strong and be a woman. I loved them for their talents and gifts, their unconditional love, their high heels, and their jewelry.

I know my kids love their grandmas. This time with Grandma "Bob" this weekend was special. They need a little spoiling now and again...

Saturday, October 6, 2007

A Tale of Two Dogs

Now, I will admit, I am a sucker for a dog... We currently have two and the only reason we don't have more is that I am forbidden to look at any adoption websites. Also our homeowners association won't allow more than our current allotment of pets. My husband says it's a sickness. I would like to call it compassion. Our current dog situation is my topic for today...

Dog #1 AKA "the good dog"

Tut was actually our second dog but the first was truly a neurotic golden retriever and has found a home with a delightful older couple. Tut came to us via my obsession with finding a puppy to keep neurotic dog company. I probably spent hours searching all SPCA adoptable puppies in the Southern California area (hubby says days). Then one morning, as if meant to be, I woke early (couldn't sleep again) and went online to search for puppies. There he was! This beautiful yellow puppy in a litter that looked like Black Labs and Rottweilers. He was perfect! I woke my husband and contrary to his better judgement he allowed me to get this dog. I drove 2 hours.

Over the last 2 years he has proved his merit. This dog is unreal. He keeps the other dog in check when he misbehaves. He will go on a walk without a leash and never dream of strolling off. He lets small children ride him like a horse and use him as a floor pillow. He is an attractive Yellow Lab with a mellow personality. Tut is our golden boy.

Dog #2 AKA "bad dog"

Little Dog is the next addition to our family. He is a scruffy, so ugly he's cute, terrier mix. He is small in stature which he makes up for in his annoyance factor. Little Dog came to us from the gas station. This should have been my first clue. NEVER get a dog from the gas station!

Little Dog is named so because we never chose a name for this rotten dog. My dad likes to substitute the "Dog" part for other choice words. I do the same especially when I am pulling up the carpet in the Dining Room because he has peed on it and it is not cleanable at this point. He is a year old and still has "accidents" in the house. He runs outside with just a crack in the door and will take off down the street until Tut comes out to round him in. If there is mud in the yard, he will find it, and promptly roll in it. He paws at your legs until you pick him up, play with him, or kick him. Little will lick you to death without abandon. The best descriptive factor is "obnoxious" and that is being nice. My husband finds no redeeming factors to this dog.

Tut and Little, good and bad, tall and small, attractive and so ugly he's cute - you couldn't find two dogs more different. Though I couldn't imagine one without the other, I sometimes question my sanity - and by sometimes I mean daily.

The moral of this tale - if you have "sucker" written on your forehead, wear a hat and beware of gas station dogs.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

An Evening at the Ball Park

Is there anything better than fall ball? In this case, there is nothing funnier...

The catcher is sitting in the dirt behind the "T" making small dirt piles, completely oblivious to the game taking place beyond him (good thing he wears a batting helmet). The outfielders are facing the wrong direction throwing their hats in the air, waving off bugs or just plain day dreaming. The batter hits the "T" then runs because the ball actually fell off the "T" and has rolled into fair territory. The running is less athletic than spastic and the boy's knees aren't actually bending. The fielding team picks up the ball after several attempts and overthrows first base, only to whack a coach on the sideline. When the play is FINALLY over the ball is held up and tossed (more like hurdled) at the umpire who either has to jump for it or it hits below the belt. We, the parents, are cheering from the stands, and from the sound of things, you'd think someone was actually winning. The next batter is up when suddenly the game stops, the pitcher has to PEE!

Up at 2 AM

So, here goes... I find myself sleepless one more night (not unusual since I will typically work nights), but alas, this is a night I should be snoozing peacefully next to my husband. Yet instead I find my brain traveling a million miles a minute thinking of a thousand things at once. I can't slow it down, so I get up.

I am thinking mainly about life in general and what paths I may take in the next year that might shape my ultimate future and help me to live out my purpose. Heavy stuff for what is now 2 AM. I find myself turning on the old laptop to search the internet for answers. Yet when I imagined myself searching for answers on the internet I heard God say, "the answers are already in you." So, instead I imagine myself finding my journal and rummaging for a pen and the thought of all that was exhausting - especially when I pictured myself using the lost art of longhand to quickly jot down all my crazy bursts of thought. Surely God can't mean for me to go through all that...?...

Therefore, here I am. A BLOG! Brilliant! The Lord works in mysterious ways. This is the beginning place to make sense of those non-sequiter thoughts, that turn into ideas that turn into choices, that turn into paths, that make up my life. Or it could also just be where I post my latest fascination or hobby (obsession). Either way, I was led here and for me, tonight, this might just be enough to get me back to sleep. Sometimes just a little action goes a long way...

Thanks for reading.